Thursday, February 21, 2008

Competitive Kids

Now in my school sports has a huge role for most people. But people like me who really... you know aren't into shirts off, sweaty, shouting, and most of all competitiveness. Kids who really enjoy yelling getting down n' dirty are the most competitive kids you'll ever meet. HONESTLY.  Because they shout at you if you don't make a good play, pass, whatever. But the thing that you'll notice is that some of the kids who are competitive SUCK or DON'T EVER PASS THE BALL AND MISS THE SHOT!!!! Sometimes i have the nerve to say " just shut up you @#$@" because it's so annoying!!!! maybe i'm over reacting but honestly i think that this is a problem that needs to go!
Now to go off topic. In maryland we're supposed to get a huge storm
 ( hallejuah!") and my mom is like " ohhh no school don't worry" and my brother 
is like " ohh there's gonna be school don't get your hopes up" and all that stuff. But he's a moron so don't listen to him.

    sorry this is so short but i have to go,

     as always,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The thing about school

The thing about school is that the teachers expect kids to have a great time not knowing that school to them is like a living hell. I'm serious. Adults think that also. That school is the way to go. But look at people in the world who dropped out of school and had a very successful life... Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Harry Houndini, Albert Einstein, and even Johnny Depp. The point I'm trying to prove is that school is not improtant.  Now coming from a kid you might say " Shut up all kids say this stuff." But you guys are totally abosuloutely WRONG. You forget a whole group of people... nerds. This is the only group that is keeping us down. Here are some examples of what nerds might say.. 
" Ohh school is important. If  you want to go to college you have  to go to school. *nnegh negh*" In their creepy little voice. You are saying " stop being racist or so judgemental" how about you stop being racist and judgemental because if you ask anybody about nerds that is what they would say. " Nerds? Who are Nerds... I've never heard of them. Are they from like outer 
space?" Or something like this.. " Oh yeah i've heard of them... they're really weird." Now you may be thinking what does he know about this?Well... i don't know anything about this but if you have stuff to add  just comment.. Now to my second topic about school. One  you all have heard of. Clicks. You guys are probably saying " Who cares" or "Yippe-kai-yay" stuff like that but this is very serious. Now in my school there are a lot of clicks and here are the names: Jock/Troublemakers, perky girls, regular boys, the people who sit with their friends, the "popular girls", nerds, unknowns, quiet girls, the regular girls, and the unknowns. Thankfully i am with the regular boys. I'm not gonna say names because my grade is known for the drama.It's like if you're boyfriend and girlfriend the whole grade like freaks out. " OMG did you hear blah blah and blah blah are going out OMIGOD!" It's a whole scenario. My advice is that if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend you guys can't be friends anymore because that just gives it away totally. Because then you get closer and closer and closer till it's obvious that you guys are dating/going out... wait those are the same things. Well anyway my closing sentence is that school sucks and stay in it because you kinda have to. 

 by the way there's a lunar eclipse tonite so happy moon watching!

                   as always,

                            Matt... a.k.a. toyoungtoblog2

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

French Fries ( most of this story is not true)

As we all now french fries come in different kinds... pizza fries, regular fries, onion fries, curly fries, and even sauteed fries. Now you must be saying " Like i care."You're a moron " all that stuff. But fortunately i do and you're reading my blog so SUCKS FOR YOU! Heres a tale of when i went to the diner.

     It was a saturday night and to me saturdays are party days so my dad and i went to a diner 
( i forget the name). They have really good food but to many french fries. It's like a flea market on the menu. Pizza french fries, combo french fries, cheeseburger french fries, and i'm just staring at my dad and i give a sigh. Why you may ask? Because he's dozing off. My question is what type of guy falls asleep at a diner? Please if anyone did that once or twice or 100 million times please tell me. And it can't be cause you're drunk or you just broke up with a guy or a girl or vice versa ( wait that doesn't make any sense). It has to be because " you don't know why". Anyhoo on with my story. So this perky waitress with platinum blonde hair and a huge streak of pink  comes and stands by our table, in my mind i say " Fantastic" cause i've seen these people before. They're in high school they have no idea what they're doing. All they know is that they're getting paid. " Okay so is anybody ready to order?" There's an awkward silence as i kick my dad to wake up. It fails. I tell her " Tell me about your french fries." And in her eyes i say her saying " Fantastic". I was about to say i know how you feel but i come across as a very weird person. If an 11 year old told you he knows how you feel you would be like " What do you care?" or " god you're freaky" or think to yourself " Oh, great another retard."  It's like falling on your shoelace... no one cares. The thing is everyone expects someone to help them. Like a butler escorting you to the bathroom or your mom feeding you ( i hope it was when you were a baby but i shouldn't say anything). Anyway the main lesson you have got to learn is that no one cares if you fall or if you trip or if you don't do your homework or if you don't get presents on your girlfriends birthday. No one will care.  It's weird cause the same thing happened to me at school. So i was playing soccer and i tripped. And i'm looking around like a paramedic is gonna do CPR or something like that. But as I'm waiting on the ground some kid i have no idea who says " Get up you retard" and i'm like thanks for the sympathy there buddy. But the thing i learned was that life is short and sometimes it will stink but you have to nourish it, don't throw it away by selling lemonade or cookies and hope to make money, ( that never works.) just go out there and be yourself and don't care what anybody thinks. Trust me, I care about what everyone thinks... I know, i'm a reatard.